Are you getting the full story from your utility bills?

Laval (John) Monty– July 3, 2019

Adding interval data can be eye-opening.

Relying on utility bill data alone could leave you blind to cost avoidance opportunities.  Adding interval data allows you to drastically improve your management plans.

Interval data can come from a variety of sources including smart meters and interval meters installed separately. Typically measured every 15, 30 or 60-minute intervals, it provides the data necessary to identify anomalies in utility usage either at the time it is happening or 24 hours later, depending on whether “real time” data is required. Depending on your billing frequency, Utility bills will tell you 1-3 months later if your usage is not normal, but not when and why it was not normal and what needs to be done to avoid costly wastage.

You can track electricity (KVAR, power factor, current, voltage, etc), and any time-series data, including volume (gas, water, etc), occupancy, or weather conditions.


Adding interval data to your analysis of utility bills provides eye-opening insights to help you solve any efficiency issues in your energy management plan such as:-

  • Operational improvements for immediate savings

  • Peak load management and its implications in demand charges

  • Alerts to highlight irregularities in usage

  • Providing meaningful information to stakeholders to achieve desired outcomes

Once in our utility management software, your interval data is available for charting, auditing, aggregating, and analyzing. You can also roll up the interval data for monthly rebill calculations and associate production with energy use to calculate, for example, energy used per hotel room visit or energy used per manufactured widget.

On average, commercial buildings waste approximately 30% of the energy they use.

For more information on how we can help you better avoid costly utility wastage, call us on 1300 393 328 or schedule a consultation by clicking on the image below.

Or click on the following link, to see further information on our website

to start avoiding utility costs click on this graphic or call us on 1300 393 328

to start avoiding utility costs click on this graphic or call us on 1300 393 328